Source code for tri_declarative.shortcut

import functools

from .declarative import get_members
from .dispatch import dispatch
from .namespace import (

# This is just a marker class for declaring shortcuts, and later for collecting them
[docs]class Shortcut(Namespace): shortcut = True
# decorator
[docs]def shortcut(f): f.shortcut = True return f
[docs]def is_shortcut(x): return getattr(x, 'shortcut', False)
[docs]def class_shortcut(*decorator_args, **defaults): def decorator(__target__): @functools.wraps(__target__) @shortcut @dispatch( **defaults ) def class_shortcut_wrapper(cls, *args, **kwargs): name = __target__.__name__ next_call_target = kwargs.pop('call_target', None) if ( isinstance(next_call_target, Namespace) and name == next_call_target.get('attribute', None) ): # Next call is to the same attribute name, but on the base class. initial_resolve = getattr(cls, name).__func__ # Loop until we find a super class implementation base_class_candidate = cls while getattr(base_class_candidate, name).__func__ == initial_resolve: base_class_candidate = base_class_candidate.__bases__[0] next_call_target_cls = base_class_candidate next_call_target_attribute = next_call_target.attribute # We need to retain the cls value for later use (as _final_cls). setdefaults_path(kwargs, _final_cls=cls) call_target_after_shortcut = Namespace( call_target__cls=next_call_target_cls, call_target__attribute=next_call_target_attribute, ) else: next_call_target_cls = kwargs.pop('_final_cls', cls) if next_call_target is None: # No call_target specified in the decorator, just use the cls (or _final_cls from earlier) call_target_after_shortcut = Namespace( call_target__cls=next_call_target_cls, ) else: # Merge decorator specified call_target with what final class we should have. call_target_after_shortcut = Namespace( call_target=next_call_target, call_target__cls=next_call_target_cls, ) result = __target__(cls, *args, call_target=call_target_after_shortcut, **kwargs) shortcut_stack = [name] + getattr(result, '__tri_declarative_shortcut_stack', []) try: result.__tri_declarative_shortcut_stack = shortcut_stack except AttributeError: pass return result class_shortcut_wrapper.__doc__ = __target__.__doc__ return class_shortcut_wrapper assert len(decorator_args) in (0, 1), "There are no (explicit) positional arguments to class_shortcut" # pragma: no mutate if len(decorator_args) == 1: return decorator(decorator_args[0]) return decorator
[docs]def get_shortcuts_by_name(class_): return dict(get_members(class_, member_class=Shortcut, is_member=is_shortcut))